
This page contains guidelines for implementers.

The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


New implementations MUST be delivered as Composer packages. Such a package MUST provide an implementation for one or several of the interfaces defined in the \fpoirotte\Cryptal\Implementers namespace.

It is RECOMMENDED that implementers always support as many algorithms recognized by the Cryptography Abstraction Layer as the underlying library and Cryptal permit when adding support for a feature.

The following sections describes how to turn a regular Composer package into a Cryptal plugin.

Creating a new plugin

Update your composer.json file

The basic skeleton for a plugin’s composer.json looks like this:

    "name": "fpoirotte/cryptal-tomcrypt",
    "type": "cryptal-plugin",
    "description": "Plugin for Cryptal based on LibTomcrypt",
    "license": "MIT",
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.4",
        "fpoirotte/cryptal": "*"
    "provide": {
        "fpoirotte/cryptal-implementation": "*"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "fpoirotte\\Cryptal\\Plugins\\Tomcrypt": "src/"
    "extra": {
        "cryptal.entrypoint": "fpoirotte\\Cryptal\\Plugins\\Tomcrypt\\Entrypoint"

There are four important things to note:

  • The package’s type MUST be set to cryptal-plugin in order for the plugin to be properly recognized as such.

  • The package MUST contain a requirement on fpoirotte/cryptal as part of the require section, so that the core files needed to load and use the plugin are available at runtime.

  • To make it easier to find compatible plugins for Cryptal on Packagist, an implementation SHOULD provide the fpoirotte/cryptal-implementation virtual package in its composer.json file.

    The version number associated with the provided virtual package SHOULD be set to a sensible value.

  • The package MUST declare a key named cryptal.entrypoint in the extra section of their composer.json file, pointing to a class that implements the fpoirotte\Cryptal\Implementers\PluginInterface interface.

    If your plugin provides implementations for several features and you would like each feature to use its own entry point, you may also use an array of entry points here in place of a string.

Write the code for the entry point

The entry point is responsible for registering any algorithm implemented by the plugin into Cryptal’s registry.

Assuming the plugin adds support for the AES cipher using 128 bit keys (AES-128) in Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode, the MD5 hash algorithm and the HMAC message authentication code, an entry point may look like this:

namespace fpoirotte\Cryptal\Plugins\Tomcrypt;

use fpoirotte\Cryptal\Implementers\PluginInterface;
use fpoirotte\Cryptal\ImplementationTypeEnum;
use fpoirotte\Cryptal\CipherEnum;
use fpoirotte\Cryptal\ModeEnum;
use fpoirotte\Cryptal\HashEnum;
use fpoirotte\Cryptal\MacEnum;

class Entrypoint implements PluginInterface
    public function registerAlgorithms(RegistryWrapper $registry)
        // Declare support for AES-128 in ECB mode

        // Declare support for the MD5 message digest algorithm

        // Declare support for the HMAC message authenticator algorithm

The RegistryWrapper provides 3 methods, meant to declare support for new ciphers (addCipher), hash algorithms (addHash) and message authentication codes (addMac).

Each of these methods expects the full path to a class providing the algorithm as their first argument, followed by Cryptal’s identifier for that algorithm and an identifier for the implementation type.

For ciphers, the algorithm identifier is made of two arguments:

  • The cipher’s identifier itself (one of the values declared in the CipherEnum enumeration)
  • The mode of operations which can be applied to this cipher (one of the values declared in the ModeEnum enumeration)

For hash and MAC algorithms, just pass the algorithm’s identifier defined in HashEnum or MacEnum, respectively.

The implementation type SHOULD match the actual nature of the algorithm’s implementation:

  • TYPE_ASSEMBLY() SHOULD be used when the underlying code is known to be optimized for speed/uses assembly code.
  • TYPE_COMPILED() SHOULD be used for other forms of compiled code, such as code from a PHP extension coded in C or C++.
  • TYPE_USERLAND() SHOULD be used for algorithms implemented using regular (userland) PHP code, as opposed to code from a PHP extension.

Cryptal uses this information at runtime to determine the fastest/most secure implementation it can use.

Available plugins

You can browse the list of existing plugins for Cryptal on this page